Jason A. Spector   Professor of Surgery (Plastic Surgery)

  • +1 646 962 8471

Dr. Spector's research interests include translational applications of tissue engineering and stem cell research towards the goal of improved wound healing. His published research papers, book chapters and presentations include: Publications: 1. Glat, PM, Longaker MT, Jelks EB, Spector JA, et al: Periorbital Melanocytic Lesions: Excision and Reconstruction in Forty Patients. Plast Reconstr Surg 102: 19-27, 1998. 2. Glat, PM, Freund RM, Spector JA, et al: A classification of plagiocephaly utilizing a three-dimensional computer analysis of cranial base landmarks. Ann Plast Surg. 1996 May: 36(5): 469-74. 3. Glat, PM, Spector JA, et al: The management of pigmented lesions of the nail bed. Ann Plast Surg. 1996 Aug: 37(2): 125-34. 4. Greenwald JA, Mehrara BJ, Spector JA, et al: Biomecular Mechanisms of Calvarial Bone Induction; Immature vs. Mature Dura Mater. Plastic Reconstr Surg 105: 1382-1392, 2000. 5. Spector, JA, Mehrara BJ, Luchs JS, Greenwald JA, Faganholz PS, Saadeh PB, Steinbrech DS, Longaker: Expression of Adenovirally Delivered Gene Products in Healing Osseous Tissues. Ann Plast Surg. 2000 May: 44(5): 522-8. 6. Saadeh PB, Mehrara BJ, Steinbrech DS, Spector JA, et al: Mechanisms of Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Modulation of Vascular Endxothelial Growth Factor Expression By Osteoblastic Cells. Endocrinology. 2000 Jun: 141(6): 2075-83. 7. Steinbrech DS, Mehrara BJ, Saadeh PB, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, et al: VEGF Expression in and Osteoblast-like Cell Line Is Regulated By A Hypoxia Response Mechanism. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2000 Apr: 278(4): C853-60. 8. Saadeh PB, Mehrara BJ, Steinbrech DS, Dudziak ME, Greenwald JA, Luchs JS, Spector JA, et al: Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 Modulates The Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor By Osteoblasts. Am J Physiology 1999 Oct 277: C628-C637, 1999. 9. Spector JA, Luchs JS, Mehrara BJ, Greenwald JA, Smith LP, Longaker MT: Expression of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins During Membranous Bone Healing. Plast Reconstr Surg. Jan: 107(1):124-34, 2001. 10. Greenwald JA, Luchs JS, Mehrara BJ, Spector JA, et al: “Pumping the Regenerate”: An Evaluation of Oscillating Distraction Osteogenesis in the Rodent Mandible. Ann Plast Surg. 2000 May; 44(5): 516-21. 11. Spector, JA, Mehrara BJ, Greenwald JA, Saadeh PB, Steinbrech DS, Smith LP, Longaker MT: A Molecular Analysis of the Isolated Rat Posterior Frontal and Sagittal Sutures: Differences in Gene Expression. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2000 Sep;106(4): 852-61. 12. Spector, JA, Longker MT: Re: In vitro analysis of distraction osteogenisis. J Craniofac Surg. 2000 Sep;11(5):509-10. (Invited Discussion). 13. Steinbrech DS, Mehrara BJ, Saadeh PB, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, et al: Hypoxia Increases Insulin-like Growth Factor Gene Expression in Primary Rat Osteoblasts. Ann Plast Surg. 2000 May: 44(5): 529-34. 14. Greenwald JA, Mehrara BJ, Spector JA, et al: Immature Vs. Mature Dura Mater II: Differential Expression of Genes Important to Calvarial Re-Ossification. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2000 Sep; 106(3): 630-8. 15. Warren SM, Mehrara BJ, Steinbrech DS, Paccione MF, Greenwald JA, Spector JA, Longaker MT: Rat Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis: Part III. Gradual Distraction vs. Acute Lengthening. Plast Reconstr Surg. Feb;107(2): 441-53, 2001. 16. Greenwald JA, Mehrara BJ, Spector JA: et al: Regional Differentiation of Cranio Suture-Associated Dura Mater In Vivo and In Vitro: Implications for Suture Fusion and Patency. J Bone Miner Res. 2000 Dec; 15(12): 2413-30. 17. Spector, JA, Warren, SM, Greenwald, JA, Detch, RC, Bouletreau, PB, Crisera, FE, Longaker, MT: Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Downregulates Expression of the Homeobox Gene Msx2 in Osteoblasts. Plastic Surg Forum 23: 84-7, 2000. 18. Spector, JA, Mehrara, BJ, Greenwald, JA, Saadeh, PB, Steinbrech, DS, Bouletreau, PJ, Smith, LP, Longaker, MT: Osteoblast Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor is Modulated by the Extracellular Microenvironment. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2001 Jan; 280(1): C72-C80. 19. Greenwald, JA, Mehrara, BJ, Spector, JA et al: In vivo modulation of FGF-Biologic Activity Alters Cranial Suture Fate. Am Journal of Pathology Feb; 158(2): 441-452, 2001. 20. Bouletreau, PJ, Steinbrech, DS, Spector, JA et al: Gene Expression of Transforming Growth Factor-b3 and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 During Membranous Fracture Repair. J Craniofacial Surg 11(6): 521-526, 2000. 21. Fagenholz PJ, Warren SM, Greenwald JA, Bouletreau PJ, Spector JA, et al. Osteoblast gene expression is differentially regulated by TGF-beta isoforms. J Craniofac Surg. Mar;12(2):183-90, 2001. 22. Warren, SM, Greenwald, JA, Spector, JA et al: New Developments in Cranial Suture Research. Plast Reconstr Surg. Feb; 107(2):523-40. 2001. 23. Spector, JA, Greenwald, JA, Warren, SM, Mehrara, BJ, Fagenholz, PJ, Bouletreau, PJ, Crisera, FE, Longaker, MT: Co-culture of Osteoblasts with Immature Dural Cells Causes an Increased Rate and Degree of Osteoblast Differentiation. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2002 Feb;109(2):631-42. 24. Paccione, MF, Mehrara, BJ, Greenwald, JA, Spector, JA et al: Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis in the Rat: Latency, Rate and Rhythm Determine the Adaptive Response. J Craniofacial Surg. Mar;12(2):175-82, 2001. 25. Warren, SM, Steinbrech, DS, Mehrara, BJ, Saadeh PB, Greenwald JA, Spector, JA, Bouletreau, PJ, Longaker, MT: Hypoxia regulates gene expression in rat osteoblasts. J Surg Res. 2001 Jul;99(1):147-55. 26. Spector, JA, Greenwald, JA, Warren, SM, Bouletreau, PJ, Detch, RC, Fagenholz, PJ, Crisera, FE, Longaker, MT: Dura Mater Biology: Autocrine and Paracrine Effects of Fibroblast Growth Factor-2. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2002 Feb;109(2):645-54. 27. Spector JA, Willis D, Ginsburg, H: Pediatric Paraganglionoma (Pheochromocytoma) of the Posterior Mediastinum: A case report and Rview of the Literature: Journal of Pediatric Surg. 2003; 38(7): 1114-6. 28. Bouletreau PJ, Warren SM, Paccione MF, Spector JA, McCarthy JG, Longaker MT: Transport distraction osteogenesis: a new method to heal adult calvarial defects. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2002 Mar;109(3):1074-84. 29. Bouletreau PJ, Warren SM, Spector JA, Peled ZM, Gerrets RP, Greenwald JA, Longaker MT: Hypoxia and VEGF Up-Regulate BMP-2 mRNA and Protein Expression in Microvascular Endothelial Cells: Implications for Fracture Healing. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2002 Jun;109(7):2384-97. 30. Mehrara BJ, Spector JA, Greenwald JA, Ueno H, Longaker MT: Adenovirus-mediated transmission of a dominant negative transforming growth factor-beta receptor inhibits in vitro mouse cranial suture fusion. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2002 Aug;110(2):506-14. 31. Spector JA, Nacamuli R, et al: FGF-2 Acts Through an ERK1/2 Intracellular Pathway to Affect Osteoblast Differentiation: Implications for Cranial Suture Osteogenesis. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Plas Reconstr Surg. 2005 Mar;115(3): 838-52. 32. Spector JA, Culliford AT, Post NH, Weiner H, Levine JP: An Unusual Case of CSF Pseudocyst in a Previously Augmented Breast. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2005 Jan;54(1):85-87. 33. Spector JA, Culliford AT, Kleinerman R, Karp, NS: The Vertical Reduction Mammoplasty: A Prospective Analysis of Patient Outcomes. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2006 Feb;117(2):374-81. 34. Spector JA, Zide BM: CO2 Laser Ablation for Treatment of Lymphangioma of the Conjunctiva, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2006 Feb;117(2):609-12. 35. Spector JA, Karp NS: A Primer on Breast Reduction Surgery. Contemporary Ob/Gyn. 2005 Nov; 50(11):58-70. 36. Kleinerman R, Karp NS, Spector JA: Counseling Patients on Breast Reconstruction. Contemporary Ob/Gyn, 2006 Mar; 51(3): 34-47 37. Spector JA, Draper LB, Levine JP, Ahn CY: Routine Use of Arterial Microcoupling in Breast Reconstruction, Ann Plast Surg, 2006 Apr;56(4):365-8 38. Spector JA, Levine JP, Ahn CY: A Technique for Atraumatic Microvascular Arterial Coupling, accepted for publication, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 39. Culliford AT, Spector JA, Levine JP: A Novel Technique for Vacuum Assisted Closure Device Application in Noncontiguous Wounds. 2007 Jan; 60(1): 99-100 Journal of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery 40. Spector JA, Levine S, Karp NS: Surgical Solutions to the Problem of Massive Weight Loss. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2006 Nov; 12(41): 6602-6607 41. Zide BM, Warren SM, Spector JA: Chin Surgery IV: Treatment of the Large Chin - Analytic Insights for Improving Outcomes, accepted for publication, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 42. Warren SM, Spector JA, Zide BM: Chin Surgery V: The Long, Non-Projecting Chin - Contoured In Situ Jumping Genioplasty, accepted for publication, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 43. Spector JA, Warren SM, Zide BM: Chin Surgery VI: Treatment of an Unusual Deformity - The “Tethered” Microgenic Chin, accepted for publication, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 44. Warren SM, Spector JA, Zide BM: Chin Surgery VII: The Textured Secured Implant- A Recipe for Success, accepted for publication, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 45. Spector JA, Karp NS: Reduction Mammoplasty: A Significant Improvement at Any Size, accepted for publication, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 46. Culliford AT, Spector JA, Flores R, et al: Intraoperative Sensorcaine significantly improves post-operative pain management in ambulatory reduction mammoplasty, accepted for publication, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 47. Spector JA, Levine S, Levine JP: Free Tissue Transfer to the Lower Extremity Distal to the Zone of Injury: Indications and Outcomes, accepted for publication, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 48. Spector JA, Culliford AT, Post NH, Weiner H, Levine JP: Regarding “Breast Cerebrospinal Fluid Pseudocyst”. Accepted for publication, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 49. Spector JA, Draper LB, Aston SJ: Lower Lid Deformity Secondary to Autogenous Fat Transfer. Accepted for publication, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 50. Glat PM and Spector JA: Hair Bearing Scalp Reconstruction Using a Dermal Regeneration Template and Micrograft Hair Transplantation. Accepted for publication, Annals of Plastic Surgery 51. Culliford AC, Spector JA, Karp NS et al: The Fate of Lower Extremities with Failed Free Flaps: A Single Institution’s Experience Over Twenty Five Years. Accepted for publication, Annals of Plastic Surgery 52. Spector JA, Warren SM, Singh S, McCarthy JG, Siebert JW: Marriage of Hard and Soft Tissues of the face Revisited. Accepted for publication, Annals of Plastic Surgery 53. Spector JA, Blei F and Zide BM: Early Surgical Intervention for Hemanigiomas of the Scalp: Indications and Outcomes, submitted for publication 2. Book Chapters: 1. Chin GS, Spector JA, Warren SM, Longaker MT: Research in Plastic Surgery. In: “Surgical Research.” (Eds) Souba WW, Wilmore DW, Academic Press, San Diego, CA., 2000. 2. Spector JA, Levine JP: Cutaneous Defects: Flaps, Grafts and Expansion. In: “Current Therapy in Plastic Surgery”, (Eds) McCarthy JG, Boutros SB, Galiano R. Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, 2006 3. Presentations: 1. Spector, JA, Mehrara, BJ, Luchs, JS, Greenwald, JA, Saadeh, PB, Steinbrech, DS, Paccione, MF, Gittes, GK, Longaker, MT: Expression of Adenovirally Delivered Gene Products in Osseous Tissues: A Roadmap for Gene Therapy in Bone. The 16th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons (Presented October 1, 1999, Burlington, VT). 2. Spector, JA, Luchs, JS, Mehrara, BJ, Paccione, MF, Steinbrech, DS, Greenwald, JA, Saadeh, PB, Gittes, GK, Longaker, MT: The Expression of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins-2/4 and –7 During Membranous Fracture Repair. The 85th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons (Presented October 18, 1999, San Francisco, CA). 3. Luchs, JS, Stelnicki, EJ, Mackool, RJ, Rowe, NM, Spector, JA, Mehrara, BJ, Wu, HC, Tan, JT, Longaker, MT, McCarthy, JG, Cutting, CB: Tissue Engineering of Auricular Cartilage in a Rabbit Model. The 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (Presented October 26, 1999, New Orleans, LA). 4. Spector, JA, Mehrara, BJ, Greenwald, JA, Saadeh, PB, Steinbrech, DS, Bouletreau, PJ, Smith, LP, Longaker, MT: Osteoblast Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor is Modulated by the Extracellular Microenvironment. The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Academic Sugery (Presented as a poster, November 18, 1999). 5. Spector JA, Margulies SS, Greenwald JA, Smith LP, Detch RC, Nijher NS, Paccione MF, Longaker MT: Constant Merchanical Stain Upgregulates Osteoblast Expression of Genes Important for Osteogenesis. The 45th Annual Meeting of The Plastic Surgery Research Council (Presented May 19, 2000, Seattle, WA). 6. Spector JA, Mehrara BJ, Greenwald JA, Bouletreau PJ, Warren SM, Fagenholz PJ, Smith LP, Longaker MT: Osteoblast/Dural Cell Co-Culture: A Novel System with Implications for Osteoblast Differentiation and Mineralization. The 45th Annual Meeting of The Plastic Surgery Research Council (Presented May 19, 2000, Seattle, WA). 7. Spector, JA, Greenwald, JA, Warren SM, Bouletreau PJ, Crisera FE, Fagenholz PJ, Longaker MT: FGF-2 Increases Osteoblast Expression of Bone Morphogenetic Progein-2 and Decreases Expression of Msx2. The 45th Annual Meeting of The Plastic Surgery Research Council (Presented May 19, 2000, Seattle, WA). 8. Spector, JA, Greenwald, JA, Warren, SM, Bouletreau, PJ, Detch, RC, Fagenholz, PJ, Crisera, FC, Longaker, MT: Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Modulates Non-Suture Associated Dural Cell Expression of Genes Critical for Calvarial Morphogenesis and Re-ossification. Presented at The Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons (Sept 15, 2000, Montreal, QC). 9. Fagenholz, PJ, Spector, JA, Mehrara, BJ, Greenwald, JA, Bouletreau, PJ, Warren, SM, Paccione, MF, Longaker, MT: Osteoblast/Dural Cell Co-culture: A Novel System with Implications for Osteoblast Differentiation and Mineralization. The 86th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons (Oct 24, 2000, Chicago, IL). 10. Spector, JA, Warren, SM, Greenwald, JA, Detch, RC, Bouletreau, PJ, Crisera, FE, Longaker, MT: Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Downregulates Expression of the Homeobox Gene Msx2 in Osteoblasts. The 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (Oct 15, 2000, Los Angeles, CA) 11. Spector, JA, Mehrara, BJ, Luchs, JS, Greenwald, JA, Saadeh, PB, Steinbrech, DS, Paccione, MF, Gittes, GK, Longaker, MT: Expression of Adenovirally Delivered Gene Products in Osseous Tissues: A Roadmap for Gene Therapy in Bone.The 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (October 16, 2000, Los Angeles, CA) 12. Spector JA, Warren SM, Greenwald JA, Detch RC, Bouletreau PJ, Crisera FE, Longaker MT: FGF-2 Promotes Osteogenesis by Inducing Bone Morphogenetic-2 Expression. Proceedings of the 87th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons (October 2001; New Orleans, LA). 13. Spector JA, Culliford AT, Kleinerman R, Karp, NS: The Vertical Reduction Mammoplasty: A Prospective Analysis of Patient Outcomes. The 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (October 11, 2004, Philadelphia, PA) 14. Spector JA, Culliford AT, Kleinerman R, Karp, NS: The Vertical Reduction Mammoplasty: A Prospective Analysis of Patient Outcomes. Northeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (January 19, 2005, Naples, FL) 15. Spector JA, Draper LB, Levine JP, Ahn CY: Routine use of Microvascular Coupling Device for Arterial Anastomosis in Breast Reconstruction. American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery (January 15, 2006, Tuscon, AZ). 16. Spector JA,: Marriage of Hard and Soft Tissue of the Face Revisited: When Distraction Meets Microsurgery. 5th International Congress of Maxillofacial and Craniofacial Distraction (June 23, 2006, Paris, France) 17. Spector JA, Levine S, Levine JP: Free Tissue Transfer to the Lower Extremity Distal to the Zone of Injury: Indications and Outcomes. Northeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (Nov. 30, 2006, Boston, MA). 18. Spector JA and Karp NS: Reduction Mammoplasty: An Improvement at Any Size. Northeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (Nov. 30, 2006, Boston, MA). 19. Spector JA, Warren SM, Singh SP, McCarthy JG, Siebert JW: Marriage of Hard and Soft Tissue of the Face Revisited: When Distraction Meets Microsurgery. Northeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (Dec. 1, 2006, Boston, MA). 20. Glat PM and Spector JA: Hair Bearing Scalp Reconstruction Using a Tissue Engineered Dermal Template and Micrografting. Northeastern Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (Nov. 30, 2006, Boston, MA). 21. Spector JA,: Marriage of Hard and Soft Tissue of the Face Revisited: When Distraction Meets Microsurgery. American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery (January 16, 2007, Rio Grande, PR).


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Funding awarded

  • Tranexamic Acid: Is It As Safe As We Think?  awarded by American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Principal Investigator 2024 - 2025
  • missing activity Principal Investigator 2023 - 2024
  • missing activity Principal Investigator 2021 - 2023
  • missing activity Co-Investigator 2023 - 2024
  • Fabrication of a Decellularized Allograft Adipose Matrix (AdECM) Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (scCO2) for Soft Tissue Defect Repair and Regeneration  awarded by National Eye Institute/NIH/DHHS Principal Investigator Subaward 2023 - 2024



full name

  • Jason A. Spector

primary email

  • jas2037@med.cornell.edu

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  • Relationships and collaborations with for-profit and not-for-profit organizations are of vital importance to our faculty because these exchanges of scientific information foster innovation. As experts in their fields, WCM physicians and scientists are sought after by many organizations to consult and educate. WCM and its faculty make this information available to the public, thus creating a transparent environment.

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    Fesarius Therapeutics LLC; Global BioMedical Technologies LLC; Provis Medical
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    Fesarius Therapeutics LLC; Global BioMedical Technologies LLC; Provis Medical